Improve the impact of your marketing

Marketing skills training

Whether you’re a business owner or work within a business, learning key marketing skills can go a long way. When we ask people why they want training, these are the most common responses:

  • I want to feel happy and confident about using marketing within my business by learning new skills – or even just polishing up on existing skills
  • I want to make key marketing decisions myself
  • I don’t have the budget to use a third party forever more – I want to do things for myself or within my team
  • I enjoy the marketing side of my business but I want to grow my skills so I know I’m doing my business justice
  • I want to know if I’m doing things right or not – or if I’m missing something

All of these are great reasons to join us for some training!

We’ve hand-picked and lovingly developed training that isn’t full of fluff but has a genuine impact on sales and marketing performance. Our training material is also created with application in mind – what’s the point in learning a new skill if it’s not obviously clear and quick to put into practice?

Gut feeling vs ‘expert advice’ – can you help me answer these 5 questions?

Want to get in touch quickly?

Send us a WhatsApp message or voice-note outlining how we can help and we’ll get right back to you.

Training format options

Some people love the focus of time with a specialist that can personalise training more to their needs – other prefer to learn in a group and meet new people. We provide both options. If you’re not sure which you’d prefer then pick up the phone or drop us an email and we can help you find what will work best for you.

With Covid and your safety in mind we are only holding online training at the moment. Group workshops are on hold until further notice but you can still book one-to-one training with us and we’ll send you the course material either digitally or in the post – whichever you prefer.

One-to-one training Group workshops
Training material that’s personalised to you and your business Training material to help you work through your skills development
Dedicated time with a specialist to focus on your business Time with a specialist in the room but also time with others learning the same skill as you
Follow up call within one month of training to support you putting things into practice Stay in touch with others learning the same as you – you can chose to support your ongoing implementation
Prices from £425 Prices from £175

Training course options

Below are the courses we’re currently offering. If you have a different need then get in touch as we offer other training on a one-to-one basis and we’re always assessing which training we deliver that can be developed into an ‘official’ course. If you have specific needs then we can create something that suits you.

Training courses included on this page

  • How to create a great strapline and basic branding that makes you stand out
  • How to make the most of your current customers to increase your sales
  • Understanding the difference between sales, marketing and business development and how they work together to impact your business
  • How to write effective marketing text for web or print
  • How to get past idea blocks – find your marketing content inspiration again

See below for the detail…

Marketing training to help

Improve your skills

Promote yourself

Inspire you

How to create a great strapline and basic branding that makes you stand out

So you’ve got a logo – but what next? How do you build a brand that customers will recognise, love and promote to others? Branding is a big area, but it always starts with the basics. You need a solid strapline and to create guidelines that mean your brand builds that consistent vibe to earn recognition. You can spend thousands on working with agencies, but we’ll tell you a little secret – if you have the time and willingness to learn then you can get the basics sorted for yourself!

We can coach you and give you exercises to develop

  • A cracking strapline
  • Understanding of what the key elements of branding are (basics and beyond)
  • Fit for purpose brand guidelines – your bible to consistency
  • Understanding of how to apply your brand guidelines to your sales and marketing material
  • Understanding of how to communicate your branding to others so they support your consistency – whether that’s a third party or people within your business

How to make the most of your current customers to increase your sales

Your existing customers can help your business more than you realise – not just by staying loyal but by helping you to market your business to other people! People are more likely to trust a ‘real’ person when they say ‘you should buy from this company’ vs you marketing yourself to them. It’s a much quicker route to a sale. We’ve found that many of the companies we work with aren’t capitalising on this fact.

If you want to make the most of your current customers to drive your sales now and in the future then we can help you do that. We’ll take you through a workbook that helps you to asses and improve

  • How you interact with your customers
  • How you get feedback from your customers
  • How your customers tell other people about you
  • How your customers help you to build trust with future customers
  • How your customers can help you build and support your brand online

Understanding the difference between sales, marketing and business development and how they work together to impact your business

Do you know the difference between sales, marketing and business development? Understanding the difference between these different areas are key to making either one of them work as well as it could. For example – if you don’t understand the role of business development then you’ll create fewer sales and marketing opportunities for yourself in future. If you don’t have an understanding of your sales activity and the role it plays then your effort on marketing could be wasted and you may not convert interest into sales. It’s all interlinked.

This training will help you to

  • Understand the differences between sales, marketing and business development
  • Map out your current activities in these areas
  • What’s lacking in each area
  • Understand what you can do to in each area to support the other areas
  • Spot future opportunity in all three areas

How to write effective marketing text for web or print

Writing is an art – but writing for marketing application is a martial art! Writing marketing copy is both creative and skilful. There are best practices, psychology and a whole lot more involved on top of your usual spelling and grammar. People spend years perfecting skills in marketing writing but there’s no reason why you can’t learn enough to power-charge your own marketing writing.

The effective marketing writing training helps you to

  • Understand and apply key writing for marketing best practice
  • Consider some basic psychology that will help inform your writing
  • Understand and apply specific writing techniques for website copy
  • Have more impact and feel more confident about the text you write

How to get past idea blocks – find your marketing content inspiration again

If you have a blog or run a social media channel then you’ll understand the challenge of constantly thinking of and finding interesting content to share. Many companies hit this challenge and fall-back on what they feel comfortable writing about – their products and services. But are your customers really all that interested in just hearing about your products and services all the time? No. People get bored of products and services and are less likely to engage with or share your content if that’s what you end up talking about.

If you’ve got stuck with what to write about and need inspiration for themes and content ideas then we can help you.

This training helps you to get over idea and inspiration blocks. We’ll help you to

  • Think outside the box about what you can talk to your customers about
  • Talk about things that engage your customers so you can build lasting relationships
  • Create a ‘go-to’ themes map for future inspiration
  • Learn about new ways to find content that will help to inspire you now and in the future

Marketing direction helps if you need

Forgetting things after the training

No-one to talk to afterwards

Justifying the time out of work

Why the half-day format works so well

We’ve been involved in training with hamsterlips but also many previous roles within the corporate environment – and we’ve learnt a lot!

The biggest challenges people have during and after a training course are

  • Not being able to remember everything
  • Having time to implement new skills – getting sucked back into their day job
  • Feeling unmotivated to put new skills into practice within a month or so of the training
  • Taking time out of the day job to allow for training
  • Training not being applicable to them once they get on the course

We’ve taken all of this into consideration when developing the content and format of our training. We’ve taken the above along with other experience to create specific half-day training sessions. We keep things specific and applicable – and we know that people’s attention and ability to retain information drops off after half a day – hence the half-day format.

In addition to the half-day format to help people get the most from the training, we take great care when creating the training material and helping you to implement your skills.

Our training material is created in a workbook format so you have something useful to refer to after that training. We also support you after training by either reconnecting with you after one-to-one training, or facilitating you reconnecting with your workshop team. We really want you to make the most of your training and help you to feel good about putting things into practice.

Want to explore your own strengths?

MBTI personal development training

We help business owners understand their own personality and strengths and how they might differ from those around them. We then help build confidence in tackling communication, leadership and decision making challenges. By helping you understand your own unique strengths and building confidence in your people management, we can help you take control and feel good about where you’re heading.

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